Englishman, turned Port Moresby trader, Mr Charles Baldwin could never have imagined that the general store he built in the early 1900’s would be bought, resold and renamed over the years and still be a trading company today.
Just a few years later in the United Kingdom, a group of London investors registered
The British New Guinea Development Company on February 10th 1910 wishing to compete in the burgeoning commodities boom, to cultivate and develop tropical plantation agriculture in the Territory of Papua.
BNGD commenced operations in Port Moresby a few months later after buying the operations and general merchant store of our early independent trader, Charles Baldwin.

14 years on, BNGD’s plantation and trading operations were formally split by utilising an existing subsidiary and renaming it BNG Trading Company Ltd for the express purpose of handling just the trading affairs of the company.
Manager of BNGD, Mr G A Loudon set about providing the newly created business its first premises at No.10 Musgrave St. by extending the store purchased from Baldwin.
The year was 1924. Welcome to The BNG Trading Company Limited story.
We were also pioneers in food technologies back in the day, in 1926 BNG Trading Company provided Port Moresby with its first Soda Fountain.
In 1927 the Musgrave Street building was expanded and a 2-story structure was built alongside the original store.

By 1933 the parent, BNGD was crippled financially because of low commodity prices combined with the worldwide Great Depression, so it decided to sell all the shares in the BNG Trading Company to Burns Philp on 24th April.
Between February 1942 & June 1943, 113 Japanese air raids took their toll and our BNG Trading Company store in Musgrave street was burnt to the ground.
After WW2 BNG Trading Company staff returned to Port Moresby and by 1956 we had moved to a far larger premises in the Burns Philp warehouse at Badili.
And finally in 1998 present owners, the Wallace Family bought The BNG Trading Company Limited from Burns Philp.

BNG Trading Company has grown to become a dynamic, modern business consisting of three main business units.
We import and distribute a wide variety of foods and other consumer products as well as commodity trading and indent business.
We represent, manage and distribute international consumer brand names and products, covering grocery food, beverage, commercial cleaning, personal care, health & beauty and other non-food items.

We also have our own range of private label products such as bakery ingredients, dairy, sugar, tinned meat & fish, beverages, spreads, and cleaning products, several of which are manufactured locally.

Papua Niugini Freezers is PNG’s largest supplier, manufacturer and exporter of smallgoods and meat-based products.
PNF imports international frozen brand names, we also manufacture locally our own range of private label frozen products, including a full range of small goods.
We also sell butchered lamb, pork, beef, seafood, and dairy products, plus our famous saveloys are exported throughout the South Pacific.
PNF has an extensive nationwide cold chain logistics & distribution network. We have achieved ISO 22000:2018 and HACCP Code 2020 certification by TQCSI a global certifying body. The certication is to AU/NZ industry food manufacturing standards

Wimble & Co supply’s PNG and the South Pacific Region with graphic art supplies, ent, plates, chemicals, papers and other related products to newspapers and commercial printers.
We are a leader in packaging, industrial and commercial chemicals, cleaning products, personal protection equipment, food service containers specialty bags, stationery, eco-products from wooden cutlery, paper bags, disposable paper food containers and compostable materials.

Each company under the BNG Trading Company umbrella has a vital and integrated role to play in the group’s high quality and reliable operations.
We supply over 600 outlets nationwide, including grocers, retailers, wholesalers, food service companies, hotels, restaurants, cafe’s bakeries and mining camps,
Nationwide branches
Port Moresby • Lae • Kokopo • Mt Hagen • Kiunga • Manus • Alotau • Buka • Wewak